HPM Prayer Journeys

Great news! Our next Prayer Journey to Israel has been scheduled for October 23 – November 1, 2022!  HPM Prayer Journeys are unique because the primary purpose of these journeys is prayer! Our second focus is seeing and experiencing the sites! Can you imagine praying in the significant sites where Jesus and others in Scripture lived and prayed? You will never experience the Word of God the same!

Check out the Prayer Journey details below.  For more information please email dave@harvestprayer.com

HPM Prayer Journeys

ISRAEL: October 23 – November 1, 2022! This prayer journey will include praying biblical prayers at or near where they were actually prayed. Some of the highlights will be exploring the Galilee where Jesus lived, taught and ministered (Capernaum, Magdala, Mt of Beatitudes, etc.) as well as worshiping on the Worship Boat on the Sea of Galilee, visiting Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, En Gedi where David hid from Saul and wrote several Psalms…and of course Jerusalem!

Email dave@harvestprayer.com for additional details!

Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801
email: info@harvestprayer.com

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