Helping Christians grow through prayer
27-28 Dave and Kim are attending Denominational Prayer Leaders meetings in Sarasota, FL
29-31 Dave and Kim are attending and Dave is leading National Prayer Committee meetings in Sarasota, FL
9 Dave is preaching at Clayton Christian Church, Clayton, Indiana
17-28 Dave and Kim will be leading a prayer journey to Israel
1 Dave preaches at Crosslane Church, Terre Haute, IN
3-4 Dave and Kim will be in Little Rock, AR for a regional prayer conference
10-11 Dave, Kim and JoLyn and Jon Graf will be in southern CA for Pray America team meeting
26-29 Dave and Kim will be in the Richmond, IN area for a regional prayer conference
Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801
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