Alvin VanderGriend
Dr. Alvin VanderGriend
Teaching Ministry of
Dr. Alvin VanderGriend
Prayer Evangelism Associate HPM
Location: Lynden, WA
Scheduling Contact:
Dr. Alvin VanderGriend is the Prayer Evangelism Associate for Harvest Prayer Ministries. Alvin was born and raised near Lynden, WA in the Pacific Northwest. He graduated from Calvin College in 1958 and from Calvin Seminary in 1961. He later attended Fuller Theological Seminary where he earned his Doctor of Ministry degree in 1982.
Alvin began his ministry as a pastor serving three different Christian Reformed churches from 1963 to 1982. He then stepped into an executive role with the Christian Reformed church and served as Minister of Evangelism Resources for 14 years. He is the principle architect of his denominations effective Bible study evangelism program called Coffee Break, wrote Discover Your Gifts, developed a men’s Bible study program called Men’s Life and developed a small groups strategy.
In 1996 Alvin became director of HOPE Ministries (Houses of Prayer Everywhere) where he developed the Lighthouse strategy, created Lighthouse resources, and provided prayer-evangelism training. More recently he served as the National Facilitator of Lighthouse Ministries for the Mission America Coalition. He also taught prayer courses at Calvin Theological Seminary.
A prolific writer, Dr. VanderGriend’s best selling work has been Love to Pray, a devotional approaching 125,000 sold. He has also written The Joy of Prayer, Patterns for Prayer, Praying God’s Heart and several prayer evangelism books plus he has co-authored the popular The Praying Church Sourcebook.
He co-founded and is currently the co-chairman of the Denominational Prayer Leader’s Network in the U.S. He also serves as a member of America’s National Prayer Committee.
Focused Weekends
Building Prayer into Your Church
Learning to Love to Pray
Prayer Evangelism–Reaching Out by Reaching Up
The Power of Intercessory Prayer
The Joy of Prayer
Select Seminars
Cultivating Intimacy with God
Hearing God’s Voice
Prayer Evangelism: Reaching Out by Reaching Up
How to Be a Powerful and Effective Intercessor
Building a Prayer-Devoted Church
Doing Battle with the Enemy
Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801
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