Roadmap to a Praying Church

Roadmap to a Praying Church

A roadmap is a guide to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

Most church leaders know prayer is important, and want to disciple their people into meaningful prayer lives and to make prayer more important in the life of their church. But they simply do not know how to get from Point A to Point B.

Roadmap to a Praying Church will help church leaders to discover how making prayer the foundational strategy for all of church life will develop disciples who impact the kingdom of God in significant ways! To break it down into its simplest components, there are three distinct basics to this Roadmap:

  • LOOK AT THE MAP: Theology of a Praying Church (Why Pray?)
  • MAPPING THE ROUTE: Prayers of Discernment (What does the journey look like for our church?)
  • TAKING THE JOURNEY: Tools, Training and Resources (How do we get there?).

We will discuss these three basic components in a more informative context below.

Let Us be Your Guide

Our desire is to partner with churches so that God’s fullest potential through His power and purposes for prayer can be used to bear the ultimate fruit in His kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. This is not a fast journey, nor is it an easy one. We generally help churches to map out a five-year plan towards becoming a praying church; however, we recognize this process can be faster or slower depending on God’s timing. Don’t be concerned about the length of time, but be determined to be present to God in the process as the Holy Spirit guides you.


We all know that we have to crawl before we walk and walk before we run. Whenever you plan a trip, most of you don’t throw a dart at the map and head for wherever that may lead…yet that is what many churches do where prayer is concerned. To have the best chance at getting where you wish to go (, it is important that we first look at the map. This will help you, as a leadership team, to start the conversation about what further steps you may want to take towards becoming a praying church. The message is compelling and a Bible Study on the “Why” of prayer. Please connect with to schedule these kinds of prayer encounters.

  • THEOLOGY OF PRAYER – understanding the “WHY” of prayer is essential to becoming a house of prayer for all nations. Based on Mark 11:11-17, there are valuable insights to be gleaned about what God has called His Church to be! There are multiple passages of Scripture that inform our greater understanding of how we think deeply about prayer. We will help your leadership team understand the theology of prayer, which should increase their desire to become a House of Prayer.

***OFF RAMP: Sometmes churches are not ready to engage the journey towards becoming a praying church, but may want to get pointed in some good directions that will encourage and equip the congregation to grow in prayer. We can do that through seminars, prayer weekends, retreats, conferences, preaching, and a variety of tools and resources. All of these will give your people ways to stretch a bit further in prayer. Unless leadership is completely committed to this process and ready to fully engage, Roadmap to a Praying Church may not be for you at this time! We encourage you to continue to prayerfully consider taking this journey when the time is right!


Once a group of leaders grabs hold of the theology of prayer, understands that God is calling their community of believers to become a house of prayer, and decides to move forward, the next part of the journey will help them to get on the same page about what the kingdom result should look like. Through a season of praying for discernment, leaders will have a better grasp of how God wants to accomplish His purposes through your unique praying church. You will, at this point, determine more fully what the extent of your journey will be. Kim usually leads this session; however, there is also a Leader’s Guide and participants’ guides for a church leadership to do this on their own. The best venue is a two-day retreat, recognizing that the process could take longer.

As God reveals His plans and purposes, there are steps of faith and obedience that need to take place. We will teach you how to implement God’s foundational prayer strategy into your church based upon what He reveals to your leadership during the discernment process.


We recognize that becoming a House of Prayer for All Nations is a huge paradigm shift in what most leaders have been taught about developing kingdom disciples who impact their homes, churches, communities and beyond. OneCry Prayer is committed to partnering with your church to see prayer become a lifestyle rather than just another silo in the midst of many. We will assist you through additional onsite training and/or provide you with tools and resources to help you on your journey. We will also be available to set up additional touch points through the use of various cost-effective teaching/meeting technologies such as Zoom, Go to Meeting, Skype, webinars, video conferencing, podcasts, etc.

Creating a Culture of Prayer

Developing a praying culture within your church is not a short process or an easy one. We believe that trained leaders can then train other leaders and members of the congregation. It is our intent to train your leaders and then get out of the way. But, we will always be available as a resource along your journey. Each church’s culture will be different, and God has a unique plan for every church.

This is the starting point for you whether or not your leadership team is committed to participating fully in developing a Roadmap. These training sessions will help you to determine whether or not you are ready to begin the journey toward becoming a praying church. Generally when we come for a weekend we would also preach during your weekend services and, if time and schedule allows, we can do seminars for the entire congregation as well. Whether or not you choose to go further, this is a valuable weekend for leaders to go through. If you decide that you want to develop a Roadmap to become a praying church, here is what we can further offer you.

2. Follow-Up – you will have access to the OneCry Prayer team to answer questions, offer ideas and perspective, etc. and to help you continue with forward momentum, good balance, and a kingdom focus.

3. Resourcing – we will assist your journey with resources that include: ongoing training as needed, prayer initiatives for the congregation, books, prayer guides, short video resources, etc.

Financial Considerations

Expenses: We ask that all applicable expenses be covered for OneCry Prayer staff including air fare and/or mileage, hotel, rental car, meals, etc.

Other fees are based on the scope of what a church desires us to do. Those fees will be discussed as we get an understanding of how involved you want us to be in the process. The amount and frequency of developing your Roadmap is determined by each church’s needs and is flexible in nature. We will determine some follow-up steps prior to our departure on our initial ministry visit to your church.

Flexibility: Some churches choose to invite one or two other area churches to participate in the beginning process, which allows them to share the initial expenses. After the first weekend it is up to each church to determine how they will proceed. We can make suggestions as to how this could work effectively for all involved. Just ask us for more information.

What Will Roadmap Do for Your Church?

  • You will see God move as you seek His presence to prevail in the life of your people, church, community, culture and the nations.
  • You will experience greater unity and strength in your staff and leadership.
  • Your people will grow in prayer and as a result, become more kingdom-minded, obeying Christ and joining Him in His kingdom activity.
  • Your church will become known as “a praying church” within your community as you fulfill God’s mandate to be a house of prayer for all nations; Isaiah 56:7 and Mark 11:17: “For my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”


For more information or to discuss setting up an initial weekend visit with your leaders, contact the  teacher/facilitator. Click on the name below for a bio.

Kim Butts


“As our friend, Greg Pruett, president of Pioneer Bible Translators, so often says, ‘Prayer is not just part of our strategy for reaching the nations. Prayer IS our strategy.’ If you want to see your congregation grow into fully equipped disciples, ready to impact your community and culture, God wants to show you how to become what He has already named you: a House of Prayer for all Nations! Harvest Prayer Ministries (OneCry Prayer) is available to partner with you in such a journey.”

– Kim Butts


Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801

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