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There are many definitions for revival. For the Christian, they all revolve around experiencing the Presence of Christ in a fresh, new way. My friend, David Bryant, has often said that the Second Coming of Christ will be the greatest revival, because it will be the clearest expression of the Presence of Christ. Until that time, though, the Spirit of Christ will continue to stir us up to pray for an even greater longing for His Presence.

One of the many ways that Scriptures speak of the Divine presence is through the imagery of the House of God. Over and over in God’s Word we see the promises of His people one day dwelling with Him forever in His House. Certainly there is this firm promise of someday in the future enjoying the pleasures of the Lord’s presence in His own dwelling place, but the Bible also strongly teaches of the possibility of dwelling in His House while still in the midst of this life.

We often think of the event and corporate aspect of revival and that is a very valid and profitable viewpoint. What, though, of the possibility of personal revival as a continuous way of life, as we learn to live daily in His House? There are so many passages of scripture that speak of this exciting and transformative lifestyle of dwelling in the Lord’s House.

A number of years ago, the Lord grabbed my heart through Psalm 27:4: “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life; gazing upon His beauty, seeking Him in His temple.” It is apparent that David was not talking about heaven by and by, but a current experience of God’s presence. For years now, I have made this a daily prayer.

I have to confess, though, that for the first couple of years, I had to add on something. After I had prayed Psalm 27:4, I added, “And, Lord, help me to understand what I just prayed.” What does it mean to live in the House of God in the midst of everyday life? As we begin to learn the answer to this and experience it in our own lives, we will be walking in a revived life in the Spirit.

(c) Harvest Prayer Ministries



No matter how long I teach on prayer, I don’t think I’ll ever plumb the depths of the teaching of Jesus on prayer through what we call The Lord’s Prayer. In its simplicity it is packed with practical guidance for effective prayer. I believe that the focus of this prayer is the heart of Jesus’ other teaching as well…the Kingdom. Jesus’ lifestyle and teaching focused on the Kingdom of God. So it shouldn’t surprise us that when he teaches on prayer, he points us to pray about the Kingdom.

“Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Those simple, familiar words should both motivate and populate our prayers. As I hear those words I am motivated to pray for the advance and eventual triumph of the Kingdom of God over all other pretenders. I know I will someday see Jesus crowned as King of kings and Lord of lords, and I want to see Him acknowledged as such in the here and now of everyday life. I long to see all of creation begin to understand what it means for Jesus to be Lord.

As Kingdom praying begins to dominate my daily prayer life, I find that I have shifted from the “gimme” prayers that used to be pervasive, to a deeper desire for what pleases the Lord. The prayers seem to be “bigger” and less selfish. Even if the prayers deal with my own needs, they are now couched in yearnings that deal with Kingdom values.

Perhaps a good place to begin is to ask the Lord what is happening in heaven that He wants to see occur on earth. That is, after all, the way he phrased this prayer for us. From Scripture it appears that heaven is most of all, a place that is overwhelmed by an awareness of the Presence of God. The continual worship seen in heaven is the natural response to the Presence of God. Praying for an increased awareness of His Presence brings heaven to earth and can result in an amazing revival for the Church!



I had just finished preaching on prayer and was approached by a Sunday school teacher from the congregation. She had a great story for me. Knowing that it was a weekend focused on prayer for their church, she had taught her group of 6-year-olds about prayer that morning. When she finished, she invited them to come pray at a little altar she had set up.

She was listening to them pray when she was surprised to hear one little boy reciting the alphabet. The boy next to him leaned over and asked him why he was saying his abc’s. The first little boy answered, “I don’t really know what to say, so I thought I’d just give God the letters and let Him make up the words.”

It’s a cute story, but more I thought about, the more profound it became. Lots of times I find myself in prayer situations like that little boy, just not knowing how I should pray. To be honest, I’ve never been quite so clever as the child who recited the alphabet, but I believe he was on to something good and biblical. Romans 8:26 tells us that when we don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit helps us. We don’t always need to have the right words. We don’t really even have to give God the alphabet. As we bring situations before the Lord who knows our hearts and the situation better than we do, we can have confidence in the Lord who promises to hear our prayers even before we call out.

That assurance gives me peace as I pray. I don’t have to always have the right words. I don’t even have to ask the right things. I just want to have the Lord step in and do what He desires and what brings Him glory and advances His kingdom. After all, when I pray, it’s ultimately up to Him as to how and when He answers my prayer.

Read other articles on revival from Dave. “A Biblical Model for Revival Praying” is one of his most popular.



I have been prayerfully reflecting upon this past year and looking ahead to what God is holding in His heart for me in this new year. His faithfulness emerges so clearly out of the difficult places of the past season of my life. Psalm 86:11 begins, “Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness…” The way of Christ was to rely fully upon His Father for all things…nothing He did or said was apart from His Father.  I’ve done plenty of things apart from God over the past few months, relying on my own ideas, strengths and wits rather than yielding myself fully and completely to the purposes of God so that He can show Himself faithful in the midst of all of my everyday circumstances. Fortunately for me…and I imagine for all of us, God is not only faithful, but also forgiving! “If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you” (Psalm 130:3-4).

Our Father is faithful and forgiving. His faithfulness can be fully relied upon as we seek to learn His ways, as Jesus did. In the midst of difficulty, struggle, pain, loss, grief, joy, victory, transition or celebration – God is present. As I mentioned, there have been multiple times this past year when my record of wrongs – things done or left undone – needed to be submitted to God so that I could once again serve Him with reverence. How grateful I am that God is faithful to forgive me when I confess things that must grieve His heart. Renewed determination to be more like Christ this year has gripped me anew. I am focused on walking more carefully in the steps of Jesus day by day, keeping my eyes fixed upon the Faithful One.

Here is my prayer as I head into this New Year with a new resolve to be the person He has called me to be, the servant He desires me to be, and the child He loves no matter how many times I mess up: Teach me Your way, Lord, so that I may continually rely on Your faithfulness from moment to moment. Help me to keep short accounts with You whenever I fail to extend the love of Jesus to others, or when I find myself in weak moments that cause my heart to turn away from complete obedience to Your word and Your ways. Give me the strength to press into Your heart for lost people and nations, and to cry out to You for spiritual awakening, beginning in my own heart! Thank You, Father, for Your faithful, loving-kindness towards me so that I may serve You with reverence. May I be more faithful in this New Year to be Jesus to those I encounter, so that nothing I do or say strays from Your kingdom purposes. I ask this in the Name above ALL Names! Amen!



Kim serves as the Executive Director of Harvest Prayer Ministries which she co-founded in 1993 with her late husband, Dave (1953-2022). Her ministry involves teaching/training and consulting as well as writing and developing resources. She is content coordinator for HPM's teaching platform, and also compiles and edits HPM’s free daily devotional, Connection! as well as Prayer Tip Tuesday.

Kim has written multiple books and has published articles in a variety of magazines and publications. She is a member of America's National Prayer Committee and serves as President of Gospel Revivals, Inc. (Herald of His Coming).

Kim has a BA in Psychology and a Masters degree in Spiritual Formation and Leadership.

Some of Kim's Books



“During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission” (Hebrews 5:7).

We don’t often hear the specifics of Jesus’ prayer life when he went off by Himself to quiet, secluded places to seek the face of the Father. We see multiple occasions in Scripture that allude to how He connected to God, and we know from Jesus’ own admission that He never did anything apart from the Father: “Jesus gave them this answer: ‘Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does’’ (John 5:19). He was intimately linked to the heart of God. Yet, the author of Hebrews gives us a profound insight into the powerfully intimate nature of our Savior’s prayer life.

Let’s break down this verse and examine it for insights into how we can follow the example of prayer that Jesus clearly intended us to step into as His followers:

“During the days of Jesus’ life on earth…” – Jesus clearly sought the face of God throughout each day of His life. He didn’t have a quiet time silo within which he dealt with all of the things upon His heart. Instead, this conversation was characterized by continual connectivity. Jesus certainly prayed without ceasing. I can imagine that in His humanness, he felt inadequate and uncertain without being closely aligned with the purposes of God within each and every encounter He made with the people God had sent Him to redeem.

“…he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears…” – A very clear picture of such praying in Scripture is when Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane: “And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground” (Luke 22:44). We don’t see much of this kind of praying these days in our nation; however, in other nations around the world, especially in places of extreme poverty and persecution, God’s people cry out passionately to Him. Perhaps we are not hungry enough for more of God in our lives and not desperate enough to cry out as Jesus did! What must we do to cultivate such a depth of passion within our own prayer lives before the circumstances of our dire situation closes in on us and forces us to fall upon our faces before our Holy God?

“…to the one who could save him from death…” – The One who saves all of His children from spiritual death did not save His Son from the cross, because to do so would have negated His ultimate purposes. Jesus, in His humanness, desired to be rescued from the painfully gruesome death He was facing; however, in His divinity, He willingly laid down His life for the glorious plan of the Father…the Resurrection that redeemed all believers for all time. Are we, His children, willing to surrender what we want or what is comfortable, for the kingdom purposes of God as Jesus so obediently did…even if it could mean physical death?

“…and he was heard because of his reverent submission.” – How often do we desire to do things our own way, or feel entitled to say whatever we want? How unlike Jesus that is, and perhaps this is the very reason so little prayer is answered with the approving stamp of God upon our requests and intercessions. We are not reverently submitted to our Father. Jesus sought His Father’s face with humility and reverence, fully yielded, completely surrendered and obedient.

I long to approach the throne of grace with Christlikeness. So, as I continue to ponder and wrestle with the practice of prayer, I am going to imagine myself holding the hand of the One I love most as we walk into the throne room together.

Lord Jesus, teach me to offer up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the One who has saved me from spiritual death. Show me what it means to submit myself reverently before the Father so that I may be heard. It’s in Your Name I ask this! Amen!



Kim serves as the Executive Director of Harvest Prayer Ministries which she co-founded in 1993 with her late husband, Dave (1953-2022). Her ministry involves teaching/training and consulting as well as writing and developing resources. She is content coordinator for HPM's teaching platform, and also compiles and edits HPM’s free daily devotional, Connection! as well as Prayer Tip Tuesday.

Kim has written multiple books and has published articles in a variety of magazines and publications. She is a member of America's National Prayer Committee and serves as President of Gospel Revivals, Inc. (Herald of His Coming).

Kim has a BA in Psychology and a Masters degree in Spiritual Formation and Leadership.

Some of Kim's Books