Kim’s Blog

Kim’s Blog

Dave (1953-2022) and Kim Butts are the founders of Harvest Prayer Ministries. As long-time teachers on prayer and revival, Dave and Kim have published multiple books between them. They have written for multiple magazines and publications.  Along with the abundance of articles on this website, categorized for your convenience, these blogs reflect Dave and Kim’s thoughts, experiences, insights and teaching on prayer.  

The Lord Has Done Great Things!

The Lord Has Done Great Things!

The Lord Has Done Great Things! (Praying through Mary’s Song – Luke 1) Has the Lord done great things for you? We seem to have just one season that causes us to pause and be mindful of thankfulness. What if we slowed down at least once a day, every day, and...

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5 Prayers for Releasing Burdens

5 Prayers for Releasing Burdens

5 Prayers for Releasing Burdens Many of us are carrying burdens these days. Do you find it as difficult as I do to just bring them to the feet of the Lord, set them down, and ask Him to take them upon Himself? 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Let him have all your worries and...

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7 Prayers for Guidance in Times of Uncertainty

7 Prayers for Guidance in Times of Uncertainty

7 Prayers for Guidance in Times of Uncertainty We have all been told to pray for guidance when we are unsure of what to do. But, how many of us actually know how to do this in a powerful and effective way? God’s word offers us the key to approach the Father with the...

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4 Prayers to Line Up with God’s Purposes

4 Prayers to Line Up with God’s Purposes

4 Prayers to Line Up with God’s Purposes Then Job answered the LORD and said, “I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:1-2). Studying Job during this difficult season has been very enlightening and convicting! Job...

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A Prayer to Emmanuel – God with Us!

A Prayer to Emmanuel – God with Us!

A Prayer to Emmanuel – God with Us! Father, the day of celebration is upon Your people! As we anticipate Your Son’s birth, we ask that you would stop our rushing around, and our frantic preparation to help us consider that Jesus the Christ, our Lord and...

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Creative Prayer Idea: A Psalm of Thanksgiving

Creative Prayer Idea: A Psalm of Thanksgiving

Creative Prayer Idea: A Psalm of Thanksgiving Here is a creative prayer idea to do individually, as a couple, a family, small group or Sunday School class, etc. You can tweak it to fit your needs in many ways, as you will soon see! Here are two ways to utilize this as...

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Creating an Atmosphere for the Presence of Jesus

Creating an Atmosphere for the Presence of Jesus

Creating an Atmosphere for the Presence of Jesus If you are married or have been in a romantic relationship, you likely can recall some special times or seasons when you were overwhelmed by the way your loved one planned the perfect setting with great care and...

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Harvest Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 10667
Terre Haute, IN 47801

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