In a radio interview regarding revival in America I was asked, after many years of traveling and teaching on prayer in the Church, do I think things are better or worse. My answer? Both! That’s not intended to be a cute answer, but an accurate one. In so many ways, the Church in America is in trouble.
Stagnant church growth, abysmal discipleship, poor prayer life, confused leadership, a blending in with our culture rather than a prophetic stand . . . and the list goes on. Yet, to paraphrase Dickens, “it is the worst of times; it is the best of times.” It is becoming the best of times because I am seeing a growing awareness of our desperate situation.
Out of that awareness comes a realization that the critical need of our day is for revival!
Revival never comes to a self-satisfied people. Revival never comes to a people who think they can fix things with another new program or strategy. Revival only comes to those who are at the end of themselves and are convinced that only God can bring what is necessary for the healing of the land. There is a rising tide of that holy desperation in the Church today!
If the Spirit of God is stirring within you regarding revival, then I encourage you to go to the OneCry website, sign the declaration of spiritual emergency, and then join our team of intercessors. We are committing to pray daily, fervently, faithfully for revival in our nation. May the Lord awaken His people to the presence of Christ in such a powerful way, that it overflows from our churches into the streets and neighborhoods of our nation.
(c) Harvest Prayer Ministries